Clean-up: Help us keep camp clean and neat by picking up after yourself and picking up any litter you may notice in the area. Remember, Girl Scouts always leave an area better than they found it.
Food storage and consumption: Do not store or consume food in any sleeping area. Rodents have become more abundant in recent years, and food attracts rodents, insects, and other critters. Any food or snacks you bring should be in sealed containers, marked with your name, and stored in the Kiva kitchen.
Quiet Time: Respect the needs of others and observe quiet from 10pm to 6am near the sleeping areas.
Alcohol: Moderate consumption of alcohol is allowed during Troop Mitre events. However, no alcohol is allowed at the Laura Van Pelt Center or in the dining hall during meals. Additionally, no alcohol may be consumed in any of the activity areas (e.g., swimming pool, riding arena, archery range, hikes or rappelling). Event staff reserve the right to amend the policy if needed.
Tobacco: All Camp Mitre Peak buildings, tents, and program areas are non-smoking. Smoking is allowed only at the front gate behind the dumpsters. The area is extremely dry, so ashes and cigarette butts must be placed in a fire-proof container.
Fire arms: Camp policy prohibits possession of guns or firearms at camp. No hunting or fishing is allowed on camp property.
Children: Due to safety concerns, all participants in Troop Mitre work events must be at least 18 years of age. Troop Mitre reunions welcome children ages 10-17 as long as they are accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult who will provide supervision.
Pets: Certified service dogs are allowed. During Troop Mitre Reunion, no other pets are allowed beyond the parking lot. If you wish to keep your pet in your RV in the section near the archery range, the pet must stay in the vicinity of the RV at all times and must be on a leash or otherwise restrained when not inside the RV. Well behaved dogs are allowed at Troop Mitre’s Work Weekend and Spring Cleaning Weekend. Pets must be on a leash at all times (per GSDSW policy), and owners must clean up after pets and maintain appropriate supervision at all times. No dogs other than service dogs are allowed in the kitchen or dining hall (per state health regulations).